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Die Techniker / TK

well awarded public health insurance

With almost 10 million policyholders TK is one of the largest public health insurance companies in Germany. TK insures almost all persons living in Germany. The contribution rate is based on the monthly gross income and was determined by TK at a maximum of 15.80 % for 2024. The additional contribution for statutory long-term care insurance 4.00% for childless members. It is reduced according to the number of children.

The contribution calculation is limited to a monthly gross income of EUR 5,175 equivalent to

EUR 62,100 per year. The threshold is redefined every year by the government. In general, direct family members are insured free of charge. The employer participates in almost half of the contribution.


Request an exact contribution calculation from us.

Spouse/civil partners and children are insured at no extra costs provided they have no or little income of their own. This applies to dependants who live either in Germany or in a country with which Germany has a social security agreement. Grandchildren or foster children are included under certain circumstances. For further details, e.g. age or income limits, please give us a call or send us an email.

Most striking features of TK


Prices and performances are in synch at TK

TK offers value-added services to the statutory regulations. Be it high-tech medicine, homeopathy or preventive health screenings – TK systematically exploits all options to offer you more.


A strong community

Nearly 10 million insurees have already placed their trust in TK´s services. More than 400,000 students, many families and voluntary members feel in good hands with TK.



The "Modellvorhaben Akupunktur" [Pilot Project on Ac-upuncture] has contributed significantly to the recognition of acupuncture as an effective form of treatment. This service can be used for chronic back or knee pain.


Alternative medicine

TK pays up to 100 EUR per calendar year to help cover the costs of homoeopathic, anthro-posophic and herbal (phytotherapeutic) remedies. All the doctor's practice has to do is issue a private or green prescription. Medically necessary natural remedies for children aged under 12 are billed directly through the TK eHealth card.


Drug database

You have free access to the Stiftung Warentest drug information database containing more than 8,000 tested and rated drugs with price comparisons. [The Stiftung Warentest is an independent foundation for consumer protection.]


Special treatments offered by TK

TK has reached agreements for patient-centred care with doctors, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and other health care providers. These guarantee a higher level of quality, service and, in turn, improved health, and all that at no additional costs.


Free choice of doctor and hospital

Choose doctor's practices and hospitals you can trust. You and your doctor decide together which hospital to go to. Just make sure you choose a SHI*-accredited hospital or SHI-accredited doctor's practice. *Statutory Health Insurance


Home help

Do you have children aged under 14 at home, or a disabled child who needs help? Is there no-one else in your household who can fill in for you? If this is the case, you will be assigned someone to help out at home. To use this service you must be unable to look after your children on health grounds, or you have to accompany your other child - insured with TK - to hospital or the doctor's practice.


Skin cancer screening from just 20 years of age

TK covers skin cancer screening for TK insurees aged just 20 and upwards - earlier than required by law. You can get your skin checked every 2 years by a dermatologist participating in this TK agreement.


Midwife on call

TK pays up to 250 EUR towards the cost of an on-call midwife. This is generally billed as a flat rate. Just send us your midwife's original invoice.



You can get homoeopathic treatment from any SHI-accredited doctor in Germany who offers this service. TK covers the cost of a comprehensive initial medical health history (approx. 60 minutes). This may be followed by follow-up reports and shorter homoeopathic consultations. There are no further costs for you.



Many people value osteopathy as a complement to conventional medicine. TK covers part of the costs if your doctor prescribes osteopathy before your treatment begins. Please note that your osteopath must be properly trained and qualified.


Travel vaccinations

If you are taking a private trip abroad, TK will cover the costs of vaccinations recommended by the Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) [Standing Committee on Vaccination] for your destination country (less a co-payment for the vaccine if applicable). These include, for example, vaccinations against hepatitis A and B or malaria prophylaxis.


Sports medical examinations

TK subsidises medical examinations and consultations with sports physicians every 2 years provided they are approved to offer these. You will be reimbursed 80 per cent of the invoice amount. The maximum amounts re-payable are 60 EUR for the basic examination and no more than 120 EUR for the extended examination (this includes the basic examination)


With the TK-App you always have your insurance ready at hand. You can use it, for example, to
- send fit notes and documents
- send messages
- receive letters from TK online
- use the TK Bonus Plan completely digitally
- use the fitness programme with access to the Apple Health app or Google Fit

TK Bonus Plan
It always pays off to look after your health. However, good resolutions sometimes get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This is why TK helps you to stay motivated. Join our TK Bonus Plan.

TK Service Europe
You can benefit from TK´s special agreements with regional hospitals and doctor's practices in many of Europ´s holiday regions. In the event of an emergency, these quality-controlled health care providers will provide you the help you need - often more than that normally available in your destination country.

TK-GesundheitsCoach [TK Health Coach]
The TK-GesundheitsCoach takes care of you 24 hours a day. Try out TK´s digital personal coaches and learn about stress management, burnout, diabetes, nutrition, fitness, headaches and stopping smoking.

TK-Klinikführer [TK Hospital Guide]
TK provides information on more than 1,000 hospitals to help you choose the right one. You can use the TK-Klinikführer to find out how satisfied other TK insurees were with their hospital stay.


Around 100 doctors provide immediate and expert answers to your questions round the clock.


You can talk to a paediatrician if you are concerned about your child.



Supports and helps you look for German- or English-speaking doctors when you are abroad and in need of medical advice


Books appointments with your family doctor or specialist (except for appointments for the treatment of mental health problems).

Routine check-ups for school-age children
TK covers U10 (7 to 8 years), U11 (9 to 10 years) and J2 (16 to 17 years) check-ups to close the gaps in the screening tests provided for your children.


TK help

You can reach the TK-Service Team 24 hours a day,

365 days a year:

• Telephone: 0800 - 285 85 85 (free call from within Germany)


Click for detailed information
on German social health system


Request your personal quote and more information. By filling in the contact form you are accepting our Privacy Policy. Your submitted data will be treated confidentially.

competence. exclusive. e.k.
is an insurance broker.
Our service is free of charge.
On our IMPRINT page you will find more information about our company.
Benefit from our 20 years of experience.

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+49 (0)2272 9374100

Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (CET, Mo-Fri)



Public Health Insurance

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Private Health Insurance

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